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Concept Music was founded in 2004 to share the music sung in an ordinary parish with other ordinary parishes who love to sing. You can search our catalogue by clicking on the Categories below or browsing the Shortcuts on the right.
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NEW FOR 2023
Seasonal Songs and Common Psalms contains items for Advent, Christmas, Lent, the Triduum and other feasts, as well as Common Psalms, to help the community respond to the word in song. All can be led by a cantor, with guitar or keyboard, but optional instrument and choir parts are also provided.
A4 paperback. 72 pages. £10.
ISBN: 9798852056924
Available now from Amazon

We Come to Your Table contains 21 songs for the Communion Procession. Each piece has a refrain for the assembly and verses for the cantor. All can be accompanied by keyboard or guitar, but optional instrument and choir parts and provided for the more adventurous community.
A4 paperback. 64 pages. £10.
ISBN: 9798840779330
Available now from Amazon

Until you come again contains a selection of service music in a variety of styles. The collection includes three settings of the Gloria, seven Gospel Greetings and six sets of Eucharistic Acclamations. All can be accompanied by organ/piano or guitar and often both but optional instrument and choir parts and provided for the more adventurous community.
A4 paperback. 102 pages. £10.
ISBN: 9798847535694
Available now from Amazon