This page is being rebuilt. Some of the items listed here are available in print editions only. Digital editions will be added by 01 March, 2019.
Advent/Christmas Communion Song by Nick Baty
A simple Communion Processional with text drawn from Isaiah. This song can be used throughout Advent and then, with a slight tweak of the words, during the Christmas season. For cantor, assembly and keyboard with optional choir, instruments in C and Bb and guitar. £1.50. For instant digital download, click here.
Magnificat Ty Mam Duw (Luke1) by Nick Baty
This Song of Mary was written for the Poor Clares of Ty Mam Duw. The cantor sings the verses and the assembly responds with the refrain “The Almighty works marvels for me. Holy his name” with a simple choir descant superimposed. Accompanied by piano and/or guitar. £1.50. For instant digital download, click here.
O my soul (Pss 144, 145) by Nick Baty
Communion Song for Advent and general use. Scored for cantor, assembly and keyboard.
Digital edition coming soon!
You are my light Ps 26 (27) by Nick Baty
A setting of Psalm 26 (27) commissioned for Amy Preston-Hill’s Baptism. This is a Common Psalm for Ordinary Time but might be particularly useful during Advent. Scored for one or two cantors, assembly and keyboard. £1.25
Alleluia Veni Emmanuel
by Nick Baty
As it’s name suggests, the piece was originally a Gospel greeting for Advent and Christmas. It’s now been extended to include verses for Easter and other Sundays of the year. For cantor, assembly and keyboard with optional guitar, flute, trumpet and trombone. Print edition £1. For instant digital download, click here.